Style Arc Sydney Dress Multi Size 10-22 or 18-30 Extension Pack $29.95
Cocoon shaped dress with several sleeve and bodice options.
The Sydney Dress Extension Pack can be used on its own as a stand alone pattern or in conjunction with the bodice or skirt from the original Sydney Designer Dress. Please note the new sleeve options cannot be used on the original Sydney Designer Dress bodice.
Cocoon shaped dress
Calf length
Hem band
3 bodice options
3 sleeve options
1 skirt option
Washed linen, crepe, rayon, light weight wool
Bodice 1: 2 x buttons of 25mm (40L)
Sleeve B: Elastic width 39mm (1 3/4")
Sleeve C: Elastic width 6mm ( 1/4")
Cocoon shaped dress with several sleeve and bodice options.
The Sydney Dress Extension Pack can be used on its own as a stand alone pattern or in conjunction with the bodice or skirt from the original Sydney Designer Dress. Please note the new sleeve options cannot be used on the original Sydney Designer Dress bodice.
Cocoon shaped dress
Calf length
Hem band
3 bodice options
3 sleeve options
1 skirt option
Washed linen, crepe, rayon, light weight wool
Bodice 1: 2 x buttons of 25mm (40L)
Sleeve B: Elastic width 39mm (1 3/4")
Sleeve C: Elastic width 6mm ( 1/4")
Cocoon shaped dress with several sleeve and bodice options.
The Sydney Dress Extension Pack can be used on its own as a stand alone pattern or in conjunction with the bodice or skirt from the original Sydney Designer Dress. Please note the new sleeve options cannot be used on the original Sydney Designer Dress bodice.
Cocoon shaped dress
Calf length
Hem band
3 bodice options
3 sleeve options
1 skirt option
Washed linen, crepe, rayon, light weight wool
Bodice 1: 2 x buttons of 25mm (40L)
Sleeve B: Elastic width 39mm (1 3/4")
Sleeve C: Elastic width 6mm ( 1/4")